Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Analyzing double page spread and contents page

1.     How many pages are used for contents?
Two pages are used for the contents page, and it uses different images and colour schemes.

2.       Are all editorial items listed? Or just some of them?
Yes all editorial items were listed on both contents pages.

3.       How many sections are there, and what are they? And what are they? How have the sections and pages been organised? Is there any order?
There are 3 sections and they features, cover story and departments. The contents page is on two separate pages it’s separated by an advert. It has numbers and it’s in the order of the smallest number first so chronological order, has one column for both of them.

4.       How does the contents page reflect the front cover?

As you can see the one on the left did reflect the front cover by using the same image and same artist on both the one the right used a different person so it did not link at all.
1.       What is the article about? How has the piece been structured (beginning, middle, end).
The article is about his music and how it affects his music audience and how his so amazed at this. The piece has been structured with the introduction at the top with some pull out quotes from the Interview and two columns below that explaining the beginning and the rest of the article is over several pages.

2.       Does this target the audience effectively? Give quotations to illustrate?
Yes it does, it people who listen to his music this is mainly young people around 16 years old, a quote would be “so many kids hang on to your words”

3.       How has the article been laid out? Consider use of columns, teasers, margins, pull quotes, text boxes, captions, alignment, splashes.
There is a paragraph at the top representing the introduction there some pull out quote from the interview they did. Two columns, alignment is not used it is but only on one side.

4.       Analyse the images used. Consider shot type, framing, and lighting. What are the connotations?
The image is a long shot image you can see his full body. The lighting is done in the studio, so its artificial lighting. He looks very serious like his sending a very important message but at the same time being himself and his character.  

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